Urinary Blockage in Cats: A Real Emergency

A urinary blockage occurs when there is an obstruction in the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. When this happens it is difficult or impossible for a cat to empty the bladder, making it a life-threatening emergency. If your cat is having trouble urinating (see list below), do not delay in having him or her checked by your veterinarian.


Why Blockages Occur

Although both male and female cats can develop urethral obstructions, the urethra is particularly narrow in male cats as it must pass through the penis and this makes male cats more prone to urinary blockage. Regardless of gender, the signs in both male and female affected cats are the same.

The material blocking the urethra can comprise several things, including:

  • Small bladder stones
  • Mucus
  • Inflammatory cells
  • Urinary crystals
  • Blood clots
  • Bacteria (usually a plug of bacteria combined with inflammatory cells and proteins)


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Heartworm and Prevention

Heartworm disease is a serious disease that results in severe lung disease, heart failure, other organ damage, and death in pets mainly dogs and cats. It is caused by a parasitic worm called Dirofilaria immitis. The worms are spread through the bite of a mosquito.  The dog is the definitive host, meaning that the worms mature into adults, mate and produce offspring while living inside a dog. The mosquito is the intermediate host, meaning that the worms live inside a mosquito for a short transition period in order to become infective (able to cause heartworm disease).  The worms are called “heartworms” because…

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Can Dogs Have Spring Allergies?

For some of us, spring represents a time of rebirth: winter thaws, budding blossoms, cute ducklings and chicks. But for those of us with seasonal allergies, spring is less benevolent and more horror movie: runny noses, itchy throats, constant sneezes. If you think humans are alone in suffering when spring has sprung, think again! Dogs get spring allergies too. Environmental allergies, or atopy, are the second-most common cause of itchy skin in dogs after flea allergy dermatitis. Although allergies can strike in any season, spring allergies do tend to trend toward outdoor triggers. While dogs with winter allergies may exhibit…

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