Common Household Pet Hazards

There are many common household items that can harm or even kill your pets. It is important to be aware of these household toxins and take the necessary precautions, especially if you are considering bringing a new puppy or kitten into your home. It is important to understand that even though your pets are members of your family – they are still not human. They react to substances, medicine, and foods radically differently as compared to us. Something which is harmless to you could potentially be lethal to them. Keep toxic substances out of reach of your pet and in…

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Dental Home Care for Dogs

85% of pets have periodontal disease by 3 years of age.  85% is a stark percentage considering how severe periodontal disease is and how easy it is to prevent. Periodontal disease is a condition characterized by attachment loss of the tooth, this means that the oral cavity has become so diseased and overpopulated by bacteria that the tooth and alveolar bone (the bone that holds the teeth in place) have become structurally compromised. In severe periodontal disease, the alveolar bone begins to degrade, risking potential jaw fracture as it weakens. Periodontal disease is not just an oral problem, in addition…

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Leptospirosis in Dogs

Your dog may love swimming in lakes and romping in the woods, but a dangerous disease lurks in these areas – one that can sicken you as well as your dog. Leptospirosis is caused by a bacteria spread through soil, water, and the urine of infected animals. If not caught and treated early it can be deadly. Fortunately, vaccination can protect dogs from leptospirosis. Preventing your dog from drinking from puddles of standing water or from swimming in lakes, streams, or other bodies of water that may be contaminated also reduces his risk of exposure. Overview Leptospirosis is a potentially…

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