Brush ‘em, Brush ‘em real Good!

To some of us pet owners remembering to brush our own teeth is hard enough, never mind the daunting task of brushing our pets teeth! Fear not! Tooth brushing doesn’t have to be a struggle! The Brush Many pet stores as well as veterinarians carry pet sized tooth brushes. These tooth brushes come in a variety of sizes and styles. There are traditional brushes as well as other brushes that fir over your finger. Make sure to choose a brush that you are comfortable using. If Fido isn’t a fan of the traditional brushes there are also dental sponges available…

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The Truth behind Dental Diets

Dogs and cats are primarily meat eaters, their teeth are designed specifically for catching and killing prey out in the wild. However, even though the majority of dogs and cats no longer need to hunt their teeth are still quite similar to their hunting ancestors. Our pet’s teeth need a little extra help to be kept clean and healthy. As we covered in last week’s Blog the majority of dental problems stem from under the gum line. Gums should be pink in color with no redness or bleeding. If you notice that your pets breath is starting to smell distasteful…

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Is Anesthesia Really Necessary during a Dental Cleaning?

What most owners don’t realize about dental cleaning is that their pet must under-go general anesthesia. Anesthetic risks are sometimes blown out of proportion so many people are hesitant to allow their pet go under general anesthetic for minor procedures such as dental cleanings. Over the past few years there has been a lot of controversy regarding “Anesthesia Free Dentistry” which has been marketed as convenient and inexpensive. Doing dentistry without anesthesia is very dangerous for both the person doing it as well as you pet for an number of reasons. 1. Unlike in human dentistry you can’t sit Fido…

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