Chronic Otitis in Dogs

Chronic otitis is basically a long-lasting ear infection that can affect any dog, causing itchy, painful, smelly ears. Quite a few things can cause the disease — parasites, allergies, growths — which is progressive and can lead to a rupturing of the eardrum or narrowing of the ear canal. Treatment starts with cleaning the ear and using medications such as antimicrobials and anti-inflammatories, but in some cases surgery is the best option. Overview Chronic otitis is a common disease of the ear canal of dogs. Otitis can be externa (of the outer ear canal alone), media (involving the middle ear),…

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Cognitive Dysfunction in Pets

As pets age they can suffer cognitive dysfunction. And though there will never come a time when pups or kitty forgets where he left his keys, he might withdraw from his family, become disoriented in his home, cry for no reason, or have sleeping problems. As with humans, the exact cause of cognitive dysfunction is unknown, though it is related to aging and changes in the brain. Sadly, there is no cure, and the problem is progressive. There are medications for dogs that can help, but so far no medication has been approved for cats. Overview Most people are familiar…

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Aggression in Cats

Cats become aggressive and lash out at or attack other pets –– and people –– for all kinds of reasons — fear, defense of territory, pain, overly enthusiastic play, and more. Early socialization, sterilization, behavioral modification, and drugs are the most common methods for avoiding and treating feline aggression. Overview Aggression is among the most common behavioral issues seen in cats. In most cases the behavior is completely natural and appropriate, though it’s undeniably the case that its manifestation(s) may at times interfere with the peaceable workings of a normal human household. Generally classified as intermale, territorial, fear/defensive, play, predation,…

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