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Homeless dog behind bars in an animal shelter.

Rule 333 for rescue dogs

You rescued a dog, are you wondering how long it will take for your rescue dog to adapt ? What steps you can take to make this transition faster and easier. The 3-3-3 rule when adopting a dog is a really useful application to understand the 3 phases a rescue pup or dog will go through when adjusting to a new living situation. You as a new pet parent also need to understand that adopting a rescue dog or pup does bring excitement but also unfortunately stress and worry at the same time. You will probably have a lengthy list of…

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Addison’s Disease In Dogs

What Is Addison’s Disease? Addison’s disease or hypoadrenocorticism, is a very serious illness affecting canines, however dogs diagnosed with Addison’s disease are able to live normal lifespans with proper treatment. Addison’s disease occurs when the adrenal glands in the body fail to produce the hormones that they are required to produce. The most important hormones produced by the adrenal glands are steroids, specifically aldosterone and cortisol. These steroids play a big role in regulating your dog’s internal organs and body systems. Without them, your dog’s body will deteriorate, leading to serious complications and without treatment, even death. What Causes Addison’s…

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Food Elimination Trials: Identifying Allergies in Your Pets

Itching in small animals is an all too common problem seen in veterinary clinics. Red, inflamed, oozing lesions and rashes with bald spots appearing are hallmark signs of an allergic reaction occurring in your pet. Most often, these symptoms are caused by a cutaneous adverse food reaction, also known as a food allergy. Food allergies put your pets in immense discomfort; and if left untreated can cause your pet to develop chronic inflammation, putting them at risk for secondary problems such as chronic bacterial and/or fungal skin and ear infections. So, what causes these food reactions? Potential allergens include protein…

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