Throw the Dog a Bone: Why Bones are Unsafe for your Dog

The idea that it is natural for dogs to chew on bones is a popular one. Many comics feature a dog digging up the backyard in order to find the bone he hid earlier, only to find out he had already eaten it. Although most dogs greatly enjoy a good bone, it can be very dangerous for them and could cause a serious injury. Whether the bone is large, small, beef or chicken, they have a tendency to cause more harm than they do good. Here are 10 ways bones can get your dog into some serious trouble: 1. Broken teeth –…

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Seasonal Allergies

With the arrival of the beautiful weather we have been having allergies. Many of us are all too familiar to the runny nose, red itchy eyes and sneezing that hits like a tonne of bricks when the weather gets nicer and the plants begin to bloom. However, what many people do not know, that even our furry friends can experience seasonal allergies. Common Signs and Symptoms: When we see dogs with seasonal allergies we look at three key areas: The Ears, Skin and Paws. Allergies in dogs usually present themselves in the form of skin inflammation or irritation. You may…

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The Long Days of Summer

The long days of summer are a great time to have — or be — a pet. But this glorious season for outdoor activities is not without its hazards. Knowing what to look out for is half the battle. When enjoying the beautiful weather, we ask that you keep in mind the following: Heat risks. Cats have enough sense to nap on warm afternoons, but dogs do not. If you let them, they’ll go where you do, even if it’s too hot. Dogs are not good at keeping themselves cool, and they rely on us to keep them out of trouble.…

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