Is Anesthesia Really Necessary during a Dental Cleaning?

What most owners don’t realize about dental cleaning is that their pet must under-go general anesthesia. Anesthetic risks are sometimes blown out of proportion so many people are hesitant to allow their pet go under general anesthetic for minor procedures such as dental cleanings. Over the past few years there has been a lot of controversy regarding “Anesthesia Free Dentistry” which has been marketed as convenient and inexpensive. Doing dentistry without anesthesia is very dangerous for both the person doing it as well as you pet for an number of reasons. 1. Unlike in human dentistry you can’t sit Fido…

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Dental Month!

February is Dental Month! In the spirit of all things teeth we would like to start the celebration a little early! We will be offering 10% off Dental Prophylaxis Throughout the remainder of January until the end of February!! Dental hygiene is one of the most important, yet most overlooked, aspects of our pets’ health and well-being. Dental disease is much more than just bad breath. Aside from constant lingering pain and inflammation, dental disease can have severe adverse effects on vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and heart. Bacteria from diseased teeth can enter the blood stream, and…

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Winter Worries: Outdoor Cats

“I’ve got to get home- Oh, baby, you’ll freeze out there”. The cats you see outdoors may not necessarily be strays; these cats may be your neighbor’s outdoor kitty out for a romp in the snow. Regardless of where the cat came from it’s important to remember during these cold winter months that cats depend on people for their warmth and survival during the winter months. Even if your cat is used to being outdoors you may need to take a few extra steps to ensure their safety during the winter. Keeping Warm in the Hood As the days get…

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