How Do I Keep My Cat Out of the Christmas Tree?

It’s generally best to set up the tree so your cat can’t get to it at all. With dogs, you can usually block off a tree with a fold-up children’s play yard or a canine exercise pen, but a normal cat will laugh at so feeble an attempt to contain him. Instead, set up the tree in a room with doors you can close, choosing, say, a formal living room over a more open family room, so it’s easy to deny access to the tree when you’re not around. You could also try making a “moat” of foil around the…

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Holiday Tips: Help Kids and Pets Play Together Safely

Most dog bites happen to children. There are a variety of reasons for this: Children often don’t know how to interact properly with dogs, and adults often fail to adequately supervise such interactions. In addition, a dog who has limited or negative experience with children may be anxious and defensive around them, which can lead to a bite. All of this adds up to a potentially dangerous situation for both the child and the dog. It is never OK to force a dog to tolerate inappropriate behavior (rough petting, pulling the dog’s ears, grabbing his tail) from a child; at…

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Protect Your Pet From These 6 Winter Hazards

1. Open Flames Keep your pet away from anything that burns, including fireplaces, candles, wood-burning stoves and space heaters. The obvious danger is that flames can singe or set fire to a pet’s fur, but they’re also at risk for smoke inhalation. Some pets are attracted to the warmth and flickers of a fire, so always monitor your animal when they’re in a room with an open flame. 2. Chemical Poisoning Common winter chemicals like ice-melting salts, windshield wiper fluids and antifreeze can be deadly for cats and dogs. Methanol and ethylene glycol, the toxic ingredients in windshield wiper fluid…

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