Training Your Dog? Why Rewards Work Better Than Punishment

Pavlov found that, over time, animals make associations with certain stimuli that did not elicit a response originally. In Pavlov’s famous dog experiment, the sound of a dinner bell could start a dog’s salivation response, because the dog had learned through previous experience to associate this cue with food. This approach is called classical conditioning. Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning Skinner’s experiments explored ways to get animals to repeat or avoid behaviors depending on the consequence of that behavior; for example, he taught lab rats that pulling a lever resulted in a treat appearing in front of them. This approach…

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Training Tips to Help Socialize a Shy Cat

Shy cats tend to keep to themselves, particularly in uncomfortable situations — which can include everything from friends visiting your home to a trip to the vet’s office. One downside of this is that when your cat is prone to hiding, it can be difficult to spot the small changes in behavior that may signal a health problem. Your shy cat may also be aggressive when she feels threatened, and this behavior can make even routine vet visits difficult. Luckily, a cat doesn’t need to be born bold to become a confident kitty. Reward-based training can help your cat feel…

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Fireworks and More: How to Keep Your Dog Calm When It’s Loud Outside

Many pet owners fail to recognize their pets’ anxiety in the early stages, and even fewer are likely to seek treatment. Intervention is key, though, because noise anxiety rarely gets better on its own. Ideally, intervention starts early, but even pets with pronounced fears can often be helped. A combination of desensitization, positive reinforcement and coping techniques can be used to train your pet to be more confident around loud noises. Begin by consulting with your veterinarian to eliminate any potential underlying health issues that may be contributing to your pets’ fear of noises. Once he has a clean bill…

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