When temperatures rise, pets tend to spend more time outside, either relaxing in the sunshine, taking long walks or playing. While the fresh air and exercise are great for them (and you!), it’s important to be aware of some outdoor risks — specifically, bugs and parasites that can bite your pet and make him sick. But don’t worry, taking a few precautions before you head outside can help keep these pests away. The Troublesome Tick Ticks are attracted to motion, warm temperatures and the carbon dioxide that your pet exhales. Ticks cannot jump or fly, so they climb onto objects…


Can I Stop My Cat From Scratching My Sofa?

Cats scratch furniture for a number of reasons. Scratching is a good form of exercise for them. They get to stretch out their bodies and extend and retract their nails. When they scratch, the movements help remove the outer nail sheaths. Cats also scratch to leave visual and olfactory (scent) markers. Their interdigital glands, which are located between the pads of their paws, leave odors behind so that other cats know that the “marker” cat has been in the area. When cats scratch objects, they also leave small gouges, which are visual signals to other cats that there is a…

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5 Ways to Keep Your Pet’s Teeth and Gums Healthy for Life

The bacteria from periodontal disease can spread to other organs and cause illnesses. More than 70 percent of cats and dogs over four years old are affected by periodontal disease — you don’t want your four-legged companion to become part of that alarming statistic. Here are five steps to help your pet’s teeth and gums remain healthy: 1. Beware of Bad Breath If a musky scent is coming from your pets mouth, don’t ignore it! This could be a warning sign that she has periodontal disease or another oral disease such as stomatitis, a common feline condition that causes painful…

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