5 Things That May Trigger Your Pet’s Allergies  

It’s allergy season for humans, and many of us are carrying tissues and rubbing itchy, swollen eyes. But did you know that your pet could be suffering from allergies too?Environmental allergens, like the things that bloom at this time of year, can bother your pet, and there are several other things you might not realize they can be allergic to as well.
Below, take a look at a handful of things you might not have realized your cat or dog could be allergic to.


It may not come as a surprise that those pesky fleas are the biggest concern. Pets with flea allergy dermatitis are hypersensitive to flea saliva, and even the bite of a single flea can cause a reaction in some pets. This means that remaining on flea and tick preventatives are particularly important for these pets.


House Dust mites
Do you sneeze when your home is dusty? House dust mites are another common allergen for our pets. Maintain a clean environment for your pets and their belongings. 

Your pet could also have an allergy to certain foods. Should a food allergy be suspected , your veterinarian can give proper guidelines on how to best perform a diet trial, which is a lot more strict and difficult than simply shopping around for different types of food found at the pet store. If appropriate, vets can also perform allergy testing to help you get to the bottom of things. In other words, allergy testing can help determine if your pet is allergic to other things than food. Pets with food allergies may require lifelong special prescription diets. 


Seasonal Allergies
Pollens, molds and other environmental allergens can bother your cat or dog, too. Pets with seasonal allergies can be treated both with long-term medications, or they can be desensitized to their allergens through allergen-specific immunotherapy (allergy shots), just like in people.


Other Pets and People
Much like we can be allergic to cat and dog dander, humans have dander that our pets can be allergic to as well. And cats and dogs can even be allergic to each other’s dander. There is a different allergen in felines, known as the fel D1 protein. It is often found in saliva and oil gland secretions and likely plays a role in canine allergies to cats. If allergy tests show your dog or cat is allergic to you, allergy shots are a long-term medical option.